5 Ways Tagging Gives You an Edge in Business

Now more than ever, you need every edge you can get to keep track of all the moving pieces in your business. The new tagging feature in Leasecake makes our location management software even more powerful for your business.  

Organization Is Personal

Simply put, tags are an easy, intuitive way to organize information in ways that matter most to you, your teams, and your business.  

We let you control categorization, so it fits the context of your business. The result is that you’re always just seconds away from finding the answers you need. That’s one of the ways Leasecake helps you get more out of your day so you can sleep better at night.

“We get dozens of suggestions for new features and functionality,” said Yori Matos, head of customer success for Leasecake. “The addition of tagging is a direct result of user feedback. Although each customer is unique, we look for common needs that drive innovation. That’s how we continually improve Leasecake’s power, flexibility, and usability.”

Here are five great ways tagging can improve efficiency and help you stay current with mission-critical operations:

No. 5 — Geography: It doesn’t matter whether your company’s footprint is in one city, a few states, or spans multiple countries, chances are you organize your operations into areas, regions, or divisions. Tags help bridge the distance by providing one-click access to record groupings that make sense for your business.

No. 4 — Weather risks: Perhaps you have 10 locations in a hurricane-prone coastal area where you’ve just installed expensive rooftop HVAC units.  And your other five sites are in Tornado Alley. You can quickly identify potential risks because you’ve tagged them into different weather groups. 

No. 3 — Site Selection: Not all commercial real estate spaces are created equal. If you lease space in “non-traditional” locations such as college campuses, stadiums, airports, or government buildings, then you have unique challenges and requirements for each group. Tag locations so you can quickly view them by site type. 

No. 2 — Compliance: Do you have to comply with regulations related to permits, fire sprinkler inspections, or elevator certificates? Government agencies can create headaches for your business, but you’re smart enough to get ahead of them by using tags within Leasecake.

And the most important reason to use tags:

No. 1 — Team Collaboration: As the world changed in early 2020, teams responded by being fluid and adapting. Roles and responsibilities regularly shift for everyone from area managers and district supervisors, to attorneys and insurance brokers, to maintenance vendors. Lines might blur across regions, offices, and locations, but what remains constant is that team members are aligned with specific locations. Tagging those relationships (Managed by Linda, Best Insurance Company) makes it possible for anyone on the team to see a quick snapshot of who is working on what.

The primary purpose of a tag is to help with organizing information. And at a time when many companies operate with a lean, distributed workforce, Leasecake relieves some of the stress.

By thoughtfully adding tags to your data, you can become a Leasecake power user and tailor the views to your needs. We’re happy to help you get started. Feel free to schedule a 15-minute orientation with Yori to learm more about tagging.


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