Burger King Franchisee Amplifies His Efficiency

In the spring of 2019, Glenn Levins fit the profile of a stereotypical multi-location tenant. While operating dozens of restaurant locations out of a family office with a small staff, he often ran out of time before he ran out of items on his to-do list.

By the summer of 2019, he’d transformed his business and had 24×7 access to lease data thanks to Leasecake.

Levins, CEO of The Phoenix Organization in Boca Raton, Florida, had been on the hunt for lease management software but never found anything that met his needs. Until Leasecake.

Now Levins is more than a customer. He’s a Leasecake advisor, evangelist, and advocate who wants all his fellow franchisees to get on board.

“There’s no more shuffling through Dropbox folders or boxes in the office when we need information about any of our locations. And best of all — it’s simple to use.”
– Glenn Levins

A Solution for Both Tenants and Landlords

The Phoenix Organization operates as a tenant with its restaurant locations in Florida and as a landlord with retail space on Long Island, so they see the benefits on both sides. “From the landlord’s perspective, I love having the abstract at my fingertips,” Levins said. “It’s easy to see when the leases start, when they expire, when the rent increases, what the CAM is, and what the taxes are — all in one spot.”

Burger King franchisee Glenn Levins likes to have it his way.

When it’s time to enter leases in Leasecake, the Phoenix Organization CEO could delegate to a team member. Or he could select our Priority Onboarding Package and have us do it. 

But Levins likes tackling the job himself — and he has a reason that probably resonates with other people in his position.

Entering Lease Data: The Ultimate Insider View of Your Business

“Entering all that information forces me to review every lease,” Levins said. “I honestly didn’t know what was in all our leases. But now I have a clear understanding of the details in each one of those documents. It gives me a deeper understanding of our business relationships.”

Ready to make sure you never lose track of your stuff again? Schedule a demo with our head of sales, Max Porter: max@leasecake.com or 310-430-1375.


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