This week’s rollout of Leasecake’s Advanced Reporting delivers on the flexibility, options, and depth that customers are asking for.
Our job is to make your job easier. You might think revamping reports means creating a whole library of regular reports every customer needs. But we all know everyone wants their own “special” report. Or a whole bunch of them.
So we built a powerful drag-and-drop interface that allows you to add, delete, and reorder columns representing more than 60 different attributes. After customizing columns in the order that makes the most sense, you can add filters and save frequently used views as favorites.
For example, let’s say you regularly look at how locations greater than 2,000 square feet are performing. Just add the “square footage” column to your reports view, create a “2,000+” filter, and then click “Save View.” That report will be available with one click the next time you log in, or you can make it the default view it’s the first thing you see every time.
If you’d like to get a customized tour of Leasecake Reporting 2.0, please contact us to schedule a quick 15-minute review.
To learn more about advanced reporting, contact our head of sales, Max Porter: max@leasecake.com or 310-430-1375.